Online Learning - What is it and how does it work?
- Types of resources for online learning.
- How is online learning assessed?
- Online qualification recognition.
- Support by online learning.
Online learning is a challenging but very useful way to achieve various qualifications - there are online options for everything from certificates to PhD's. After being surrounded by stigma, online education is now a respected way to achieve recognized qualifications. With courses available in almost every subject, and flexible schedules to meet almost every schedule, students are increasingly turning to online learning as a viable alternative to learning on campus. This allows you to study abroad from a distance, at a university not in your home country.
Technological advances now allow students to study fully online while still socializing with classmates, watching lectures and participating in subject-specific discussions.
While some people consider online learning to require a greater level of self-motivation, institutions today recognize that pastoral support is as important as tutor feedback, and are very careful to ensure that their students receive the same level of support they will receive on campus.
Facts and figures about online learning
- 5.8 million students are now enrolled in online courses
- 75% of undergraduate students aged 25 or over
- 90% of students think that online learning is the same or better than traditional classroom experiences.
Resources for online learning
The format and delivery of resources varies greatly between different online agencies. Many institutions today utilize a combination of textbooks and physical resources; However, this is generally removed for the sake of eBooks and online delivery methods.
For institutions that have made the transition to using 100% of online resources, students can expect to learn to use a combination of the latest resources without having to travel to attend lectures, examinations or private discussion sessions.
These online resources often include (but are not limited to):
- Textbook
- Journals
- The video
- Take notes of lecture
- Quiz
- discussion forum
- Direct Question and Answer Session
- Interview
The institution and course leader will determine the format used for each course, and will choose the delivery method that best suits the individual program.
What types of online resources will I meet?
Here's a brief overview of the main types of resources you can expect to find in online courses, and how to get the best from them!
eBooks, textbooks & journals
These written materials are important resources in almost every course, online or not. Using your module reading list, or guided by your tutor, a student needs to dedicate appropriate time to reading and understanding the topic. The main advantage of using this media (especially eBooks) is the fact that they are truly portable, allowing you to learn while on the go.
Pro tip:
When you are researching a course, remember to check whether your textbook is included in your tuition.
Take notes of lecture
An important way to absorb large amounts of information in a relatively short amount of time, lectures are the subject of online and campus-based learning.
Pro tip:
If you can, take notes throughout your lecture; this will make it easier to review for later inspection, and to prepare assignments.
Interactive session
The biggest challenge facing online education providers is how to replicate face-to-face interactions and direct discussions that can be provided by institutions on campus. To overcome this, online providers often use a combination of discussion forums and question and answer sessions.
Pro tip:
Before starting an online discussion or session, make sure you read the rules and requirements; some institutions may require that you make posts that have a minimum number of words.
How will my resources be sent?
Online students often think that their resources will be sent via email, or even by post. However, most agencies are moving away from this unreliable delivery method.
Course or module learning resources will be delivered through the institution's online learning environment; this will vary greatly depending on the software used, but will usually consist of a central online platform that students can access from their personal PC, cellphone or tablet.
One of the main benefits of utilizing resources that are hosted entirely online is the flexibility that allows this. Online students can choose to access their course information and complete the assigned assessment pieces at any time; this allows them to adjust their studies around work.

How is online learning assessed?
Online learning is similar in many ways to study on campus; students still need to be tested regularly throughout the program to check their understanding of the subject matter. For those who are new to online education, this process can be intimidating; However, there is no reason to worry. Online institutions have developed a number of ways to assess the learning of students who still work 100% online.
Here's a brief overview of the main types of assessments you might encounter in online courses:
- Duty
This is probably the most assessment method students have; for each assignment, you will receive your topic, deadline, and word count and will be asked to produce a structured and reasoned argument within these limits.
How is online learning assessed?
Online learning is similar in many ways to study on campus; students still need to be tested regularly throughout the program to check their understanding of the subject matter. For those who are new to online education, this process can be intimidating; However, there is no reason to worry. Online institutions have developed a number of ways to assess the learning of students who still work 100% online.
- Discussion activities
Face-to-face, personal discussions between friends and colleagues are something we all do every day, but online academic discussions require different skills, and don't always come naturally for everyone. This activity will differ depending on the institution, but your tutor will usually start each discussion with questions or topics to debate. Students then need to conduct this research and post their responses to assignments that demonstrate their own knowledge and understanding which will include entering into debates with ideas and views posted by fellow students.
- Journal activities
Again, this is a little different and students may never meet them before. Journal entries are ongoing updates where there is an opportunity to reflect back on what was learned during the period under review and its application in the future. Unlike other assignments, it is acceptable to use subjective personal writing styles in journal entries and refer to yourself in the first person. This is actually the most appropriate approach because the aim is to reflect on your own learning throughout the module.
- Exam
Although they can be stressful, exams are a great way to test your learning. Online institutions that use exams to assess learning will often partner with test centers to enable students to complete their tests in a controlled environment. Other institutions can choose to allow students to complete their examinations on their own personal computers, in their chosen location. Because tutors have no way to oversee virtual examinations or tests, they usually open books and open notes.
How do online institutions prevent cheating?
Many people worry that online students can easily fool their path to success by buying assignments or using revised material during a virtual exam. However, this cannot be far from the truth. To get a recognized qualification from an online course, the assessment method must also be above blemish.
Tutors and institutions work hard to ensure that cheating is almost impossible in online courses; they do this by using sophisticated plagiarism detection software. Every single submission is examined electronically using this software, and then also subject to additional examinations by the tutor.
Online qualification recognition
Online learning was once surrounded by stigma, tainted by an illegal market for fake certificates and 'diploma factories'. Fortunately, this opinion has changed and online education is now a respected method for obtaining recognized or validated degrees or qualifications.
Nonetheless, students who research online institutions are still encouraged to examine the validity of institutions. Important introductions to watch out for include:

Results of a monitoring visit by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA)
This is an independent UK body that is trusted to monitor, and advise on, standards and quality in UK higher education. They are "dedicated to checking that the three million students who work towards UK qualifications get the higher education experience they deserve".
- Results from the National Student Survey (NSS)
The National Student Survey is a high profile survey conducted by a British undergraduate student last year. The results of an institution reflect the level of support and quality provided by an institution. This is an excellent measure of quality and recognition.
- Statistics on HEFCE 'List of HE providers
"The HEFCE Register is a traceable tool that shows how the Government regulates higher education providers in the UK". It provides the official name and address of the provider, its strengths, and regulatory standards that must be met, and links to further information about the provider.
- Listing on the Unistats website
This is an "official website that allows you to search and compare data and information about university and tertiary programs from all over the UK. This site draws together comparable information in fields that have been identified by students as important in making decisions about what and where to study. "
Many online institutions will partner with campus-based universities to create and send their online programs. This allows online institutions to benefit from specialized knowledge and technology that can be offered by online providers, while online institutions can then offer validated degree programs.
In-house & Freelance Tutors
The role played by personal and pastoral support in online student success cannot be overstated. However, academic support also plays an important role in creating a supportive learning environment.
Online institutions vary, but many use a combination of tutors and freelance tutors to create and deliver their courses. These tutors will become subject matter experts and will be able to provide academic guidance and feedback at every point in the course.

Academic feedback can sometimes be difficult to accept, especially if you have worked hard, but this can often be the first step towards greater self-improvement and confidence. Your mentor will always provide constructive comments, provide tips and advice for the future, and this can then lead to increased confidence in decision making and broader understanding of specific subjects.
Depending on the institution, your tutor must also be available for each session, and you should also be able to contact your tutor directly. An individual session with your tutor will allow you to ask questions about the topics covered in the course, and also to ask for further feedback about your progress and areas of development.